Monday, August 26, 2013


On the desktop of my computer there is something called Untitled. It’s a blank page where I begin to set up my blogs for publication. Usually I’ll copy the title and first paragraph or so from a lined notebook in which I’ve handwritten the blog, but soon I’ll only select bits and pieces of that first draft and let the rest come out of the keyboard. Editing then becomes the next step and I enjoy that one most of all. Even after I’ve published the blog I frequently go back, sometimes days later, and fine tune it. (You writers out there can no doubt find plenty of editing left undone.) 

This morning I spent time early to recline on the sofa and read. In direct line of my sight was the sliding glass door to the patio and since it was before dawn the reflection on the door was that of my living room. I could see nothing of the patio. Gradually the dawn crept in and started showing the shrubs and trees by the creek but what on earth was the piano doing out there too? As plain as could be the piano stood proudly on my patio surrounded by greenery!

Of course I wasn’t really disturbed by that because I knew it was not the piano itself but merely the reflection left over from predawn. Now it doesn’t take much imagination to draw a lesson from this. The predawn reflection on the glass showed a perfect reflection of the interior view of my room including the piano, but as the dawn came it began to show dimly, then gradually more brightly, what was really out there. The piano’s faint reflection was leaving fast and soon faded out of the scene altogether. 

You’ve probably got what I’m driving at now. The glass door is symbolic of a personal limited mortal mind, the one each of us call our own. It is a mirror to our limited living room concepts, the familiar environments we’ve grown up with, but when light comes we can see beyond the glass doors of our limited mortal minds. We learn to leave behind the personal mind we call our own to let the one infinite Mind take over. 

According to the Bible, God’s first word was let. “Let there be light.” When the whole picture was revealed He pronounced creation to be “very good.” Not one mention of evil in any degree, in any place. It always had been so, but only needed light for Mind to see it so. 

I suspect we’ll all, sooner or later, discover ourselves as children in the realm of Infinity. We’ll be spooked for a while by the dark places not yet illumined by light, our God-given intelligence, but if we persist we’ll see that we can live without fear. Heavenly harmony will reign and declare, like the words in an old song, “All your fears are foolish fancies...” The “piano” will be back in its rightful place and a new day will help us discover more of enlightenment and joy.

Now I’m trying to think of a better title for this blog than “Untitled.” How about Who Moved the Piano?

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