Saturday, August 24, 2013

Home Schooling In House Keeping

I’m making a list of good tips on the subject of keeping house. Then I’ll compile them into a home-schooling class for myself and start trying them out. I may even write a book about keeping house. You know, one of those smaller books you pick up at book stores near the check-out line. I’m sure I’ll not be the first. (Is Heloise still around?) I haven’t looked in bookstores or on line yet because I want to figure this out on my own, tailor the ideas to fit my own house and be my own boss.

This will be a work in progress. If it works out well I’ll keep my readers updated now and then. If they are so inclined to submit ideas that have helped themselves and want to share them with me for possible publication that would be great. Keep them brief and pithy.

I’m not claiming to be a good teacher on this subject. It’s rather sad that I’m still struggling with it after all these years. I think that’s because I’ve been my own boss in housekeeping except in my childhood. My mother taught me to take one job at a time and to make it a game. She didn’t pay me for the little jobs she gave me because, “You see, dear, it’s only a token of gratitude for our home that we're willing to take care of it as it takes care of us. We all should do our share in making home the sweet spot of our lives.”

Our homes reflect our attitudes about housekeeping, art and comfort, but if I were to list my own motivations for keeping house I’d put them down in this order:

To enjoy visual pleasure when I enter and occupy each room.
To find comfort and cleanliness there.
To feel a sense of belonging both to my home and my home to me.
To not feel the need to apologize to anyone who visits.
To make home and the keeping of it one of my highest priorities.

You may notice that the last one on the list wasn’t given the priority of being first. That’s because in my own mind I recognize that other things have been gaining higher priority, like writing this blog, for one. 

The day I'll not see a housekeeping job in need of attention and not once say to myself, "I can do that tomorrow," that day will be the day I give myself an A+!

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