Saturday, January 26, 2013

How to Eat Candy

If you are overweight, I could tell you a simple way to eat that would reduce you to your optimum weight without a sense of deprivation. I call it my Forget Dieting Diet. I know it works because it worked for me. Whoever has struggled to stay on a diet and failed will find this one easy. You just need to start with one cardinal rule:

                                                           Eat Half Portions

Think what you’d like, no more than you’re used to, and divide it in half. Use the same pattern of eating you’ve had, just cut the portions in half. For instance, an hour or two after my morning meal of cereal, with milk and fruit, I hanker for a mid-morning sweet treat. Chocolate covered caramels are my favorites. I buy them at Trader Joe’s and they’re not quite an inch square. A sharp knife makes a clean cut through the middle. I put one half back in the box and I savor the other half any way I like, slowly by nibbles or in one big long lasting chew. That’s my candy break for the day. It’s a treat I can enjoy without guilt because I know I won’t even be tempted to eat more candy until tomorrow. After its gone my half piece of candy satisfies just as much as a whole one would have.

I tried this half portion program and in a few months I lost weight slowly until I reached a point where I stopped losing. Thirty pounds gone. Now I’m not skinny or fat. I'm not trying to look like a movie star. The best part is that I can, and do, forget about food until I get hungry. Then out come the half portions. I savor them slowly, including my favorite dessert, ice cream. I dig out a big scoop, take a sharp knife and slice it down the middle. Half goes back in the carton, the other half I enjoy without a trace of fear that it will make me fat. When eating out I either divide with someone or take the half portion home.

The main thing about this non-diet diet is to be absolutely honest. No cheating! Be consistent. When you’ve got it settled in your mind that the half-portion rule is fixed, non-negotiable, your cravings will cease. Then watch the weight leave. Be patient but persistent and satisfy yourself with some other interest. Believe me, there's more to life than food. 

When I think back on all the articles I’ve read, the books, the how-to-lose-weight programs I started before I made up my own, I laugh at money spent unnecessarily. This one idea doesn’t cost a cent. It seems to me to make perfect sense. So, try it. Save your cents (dollars) and give it a whirl. You’ll end up not only a better size but a better person. And you’ll feel satisfied. I guarantee it!


  1. I like your moderation ideas, Mom. And these ideas are on our refrigerator: Psalm 119: 57 and 73..."Thou art my portion, O Lord...Thy hands have made me and fashioned me." And the closing words to Hymn 160-162, "Who doth His will--His likeness still--Is satisfied."

  2. Good advice Joyce and good quotes Wally... thanks!

  3. Thanks, Wally, and Susie. People sometimes wonder how I can have candy and cookies out on my kitchen counter in plain sight and not be tempted to indulge. Satisfaction is what it's all about and a little satisfies when you know you can eat it, enjoy it, and that you're not going to be having more until tomorrow.
