Oh, the luxury of a morning clear and bright when you’re sitting in the shade of your patio! Sun and sky, stillness and bird song outshine all worries and nothing but bliss can permeate your thoughts. I feel I can call to my “melancholy baby” within and sing that old song, “Come to me, my melancholy baby, ...all your fears are foolish fancies maybe...”
The older I get the more I see the folly of living in fear. What will be, will be, but I can make that prediction a good one when I cast out the daily trash of fear and smile as the dump truck carries it away. If not today, soon it will be gone and in time the county dump will be covered with greenery. Why should I keep hanging onto fear? Fears are foolish fancies, and there’s no “maybe” about that! But they can make good fertilizer.
Some may call me a “cockeyed optimist.” Maybe I am but I don’t consider being a pessimist so nifty! As long as I can choose I’ll stick to my convictions that all things will come out in the wash.
All my life, wherever I lived I’ve found a patch of heaven there. Bad memories I might have taken with me soon fade away and I remember the good. Why? Because I have faith that only good is real. The bad can, and eventually will, go to the dump. Why should I let it pile up in my mental house?
So, what if I’m wrong? What if some may see me go off to the mortuary and say, “She believed in eternal Life, but she died!” Well, I expect I’ll be out of earshot then but, if not, I’ll just send down my Cheshire cat smile that says, “I don’t think so!”
I suppose it’s natural when getting older to think about “passing on.” As I see it, my demise will be like a long night’s restful sleep and then waking up to a new day. I hope it will be a day just like today.
When you are no longer here in propria persona, I will definitely look for that Cheshire cat smile. And if I see it, (even if I don't) I think I'll know what you have found. And I will find it, a - musing!!