Friday, January 4, 2013

Light Beams Going Home

There comes a time in everyone’s life when the necessity of figuring out the meaning of it all ranks foremost. Granted, there are moments of this all along our ways, but sometime, somehow, we all need to open our eyes and see more clearly the grand scheme, the real purpose and the divine ends of life.

In this need I find the Bible to be my best help. Especially the parables of Christ Jesus. My favorite is the one of the prodigal son. I’m always getting new meanings from the story. The word prodigal means wasteful, reckless, and finally repentant. To look around our world it is easy to see that we all are, more or less, that prodigal son. We’ve been given life. So freely have we spent it in our own ways we’ve often lost sight of its core value and consequently lost sight of our own worth and identity. We don’t know who we are or where we came from or where we're going.

At extreme moments when we feel destitute we may come to ourselves and remember our identity, our source, our Parent-God, and our home, heaven. “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” That first Beatitude is a wake-up call. Then we leave the husks of a wasted life and set ourselves on the long road home.

As a grandmother who enjoys her home, family and a modest but comfortable income, I sometimes think, This is enough, dear Father. But then I look around and see that such a sense of supply and contentment is certainly not universal. How can I linger in such a world comfortably? So, I give where I can to others but I think, It is so little, and they need so much! Suddenly then I too feel poor. I must see and prove a better world, a wiser one, a world filled with goodness, the creation God saw in the beginning when He pronounced everything as “very good.”

I believe life evolves in cycles of divine light. First, the one Light which is God, then the light God allows to shine forth on the “darkness upon the face of the deep.” That light is us, each one a single ray, and then the reflected light cycling back to show the grand Creator what He has made. That last part is where we’re all coming to ourselves and starting to go home. 

Then what? A Sabbath day of rest in our heavenly Home before we shine forth again to reveal more of universal good? I can imagine that. But the "darkness upon the face of the deep," as mentioned in Genesis One, needs to be dispelled and it takes the “letting” of God’s light, His children, to go forth and do its work of illuminating and interpreting what is real everywhere. Light, divine light, is needed to dispel mere human conjectures and illusions. With the Light of God shining in us we cycle through the universe, dispelling darkness, ignorance, fear, and carry back the reflection of God’s creation to its source, divine Love. Thus we prove that darkness is only on the face of things, a mistaken first impression meant to be penetrated. 

I’d like to think that each of us is learning, growing, reflecting the light that is our very being and our divine Source. That’s what we’re here for. Self-satisfaction is never enough. The relinquishment of a self apart from God is what we’re destined to know as permanent satisfaction. I see, in my own case, that I cannot find true rest here in a personal state of well-being if it does not include all God's creatures. True happiness must be universal. 

I don’t know each morning what the day will offer me and others but I can know there is a divine Plan tailor-made for each of us. We are given today, this day, to discover some part of it, prove it, and enjoy the road going Home. Life is one grand adventure. Let’s all discover and enjoy it. Let's complete this cycle and go on to the next, and the next, and the next. Let's shine! 


  1. I just read your last three blogs Mom!! They are awesome!! I'm glad you met my Dad!! You have inspired me to pay close attention to life and APPRECIATE all the DETAILS!!!! I wouldn't be who I am without my guardian angel Mom!! OXOX Thank you for who you are and all you do!! Love Always, Robin

  2. Thanks, Honey!

    I'm so grateful, too, that I married your dad! I really do hope I can meet and be with him in the "hereafter." We'll be watching over our dear children, grandchildren and great grandies!

    I expect I'll be around for a while though. So much love to the daughter of my dreams! Mom X0

  3. I don't know how you do it, Joyce. But you write with a refreshing simplicity yet your messages are profound. This quote really spoke to me as did this entire piece. "Light, divine light, is needed to dispel mere human conjectures and illusions." I am certainly one of God's children, trying to shine my light in this darkened world. Interestingly, I find that sometimes I am my own worst enemy and the place needed to dispel darkness most is in my own tainted heart -- and getting past my own human conjectures and illusions! thank you again for your heart of gold and for your words of wisdom. Love, Julie

  4. Good thoughts, Mom. A good start on the New Year.

    I was thinking the other day about how, to the sun, there is no such thing as darkness. There is no night there! It's only on the rotating earth that the sun seems to come and go, to rise and set, to leave us in the dark. Truth is, God, like the sun is always shining, always giving us light, always constant in warmth and Love.
